How to buy Litecoin (LTC) in Canada
Step-by-step instructions on how to buy Litecoin for CAD on
Step 1. Register an account with Quebex, or log in using your email address and password.
Step 2. Go to the Marketplace below and select an ad where the trader has a good reputation score.
Step 3. On the next page, type how much Litecoin you want to buy and click the "Send Trade Request" button to start the trade.
Step 4. You will be asked to wait for the seller to review your details and approve the trade request--they may ask you to verify through Quebex if you haven't already. Once approved, you can enter a message for the seller. You can ask for payment information (e.g. the Email address for the Interac e-transfer).
Step 5.
Just before sending the payment, click the "Mark Payment Complete" button to ensure the trade isn't automatically cancelled for non payment, then send the payment. You can provide the answer to the security question if necessary.
Step 6. Only AFTER receiving payment and confirming they have the funds in their account, the seller will release the Litecoins. They will then appear in your wallet, and the trade will be complete.