Canadians With Funds in Quadriga CX unable to withdraw

avatar Quebex Fintech Inc.
Jan 31, 2019

Canadians who had funds in QuadrigaCX have been having problems withdrawing Canadian dollars for months as a cursory review of reddit threads will show, but as of January 30th, 2019, customers are unable to access their Bitcoin, Litecoin, Ethereum, and other cryptocurrency assets as well.

Although withdrawals are a necessary evil of centralized exchanges such as Quadriga CX, Quebex, by contrast, operates in a decentralized peer-to-peer manner.

When a buyer and seller find each other using the Quebex trading platform, they communicate with one another and exchange the funds directly, while we hold the crypto currency in escrow to help ensure that the fiat currency is successfully traded.

This significantly reduces the chances of being defrauded.

If you're interested in selling your bitcoins without the risk of funds being seized that exist on centralized exchanges, you can post your free ad to Quebex's market place now.